Leak Procedure

One of the most common problems one can have with their water feature is a leak. It's important to know what to look for if you suspect your pond may be leaking, so here is the procedure we follow when identifying leaks. Please note that we will not “just come out” until the leak procedure is completed and the online form with pictures is submitted. We do not work on or make repairs to: home owner built, concrete or pre-formed ponds.


  1. Turn off the waterfall pump.

  2. Turn off the auto fill valve (if you have one).

  3. Allow the waterfall to completely drain into the pond and fill the pond to the proper level. Proper level in a pond is just below the overflow opening in the skimmer. Base all measurements off of the overflow in the skimmer.

  4. Make sure it’s not going to rain for 24 hours.

  5. Check the water level in the pond 24 hours later.

  6. If the pond level does not change the problem is in the waterfall. Go to step 8.

  7. If the pond level goes down, continue to check each day until the level stops dropping and mark it. Fill out the form below and upload pictures. We do not work on every kind of water feature and a picture(s) will quickly tell us if we are the right company or not.

  8. If you have determined that the leak is in the waterfall based on step 6 then the next step is going to be determined if you have a stream or multiple falls. If you have a stream then we need to test that portion. The best way to test a stream is to test sections at a time. You will need to get a pump and hose, place pump in the pond and test the first 5’ of the stream/waterfall. If the level does not change, move the hose up another 5’ and repeat as necessary until level drops in pond.